Sunday, October 4, 2015

It was a Dark and Stormy Night… Like if you support weather

While not a Facebook addict, I do log in every now and then, and sometimes I even comment. I do notice, as has probably everybody else, that many posts end with the admonishment to “like” the post if some condition or other has been fulfilled. Usually the condition has to do with you supporting the beliefs of the person posting. Of course, these beliefs are usually couched in terms that make it clear that their beliefs are shared by all people who are Kind and Loving, Brave and True, Smart and Discerning, are Good Neighbors and Friends, Take Care of Their Families, and Make the World a Better Place. 

As I am all of these, I only “like” the Very Best Posts. By Very Best Posts, I mean posts that support my own cherished beliefs. I would never even THINK of liking posts that support the beliefs of the Selfish, Jealous, Greedy, Conniving, Treacherous, and overall Evil people who disagree with me. That is the sort of principled person I am.

I NEVER request that people like my posts, since I am a very humble person. Besides, if a person is indeed a Superior Intellect, a Moral Leader, and a Giant Among Mortals, they will like my posts, because they will immediately perceive the brilliance of my writings, and will be unable to resist the sheer wonder created by my scintillating prose. I am not bragging, merely describing things the way they are.

One of the reasons that I started this blog is that I believe that my literary endeavors should be expanded to include readers of blogs – a crowd who are more intellectually bent and could appreciate my genius more than the plebeians who populate Facebook.

Like if you think that kittens are cute and you think I am a good writer..

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